Saturday, January 28, 2006

Twist and shout....

You know, maybe I am just a lot more like a man (on the inside... only!) than even I ever thought, but I am glorying in the schadenfreude of watching W (for Weasel) twist in the wind.

And make no mistake about it. He is twisting like Chubby Checker at a beach party with Annette Funicello. (Yes, I'm so old I remember those movies.)

What else could explain his unexpected and practically unheard of press conference? Oh, how I so wished that camera had swung into his smug nose.

Yes, they are twisting because they can no longer spin. Just about the time they get themselves twisted halfway around a spin, they get slapped back the other way. Oh happy happy joy joy!

When a man of the caliber of John Murtha speaks the plain truth that what is happening in Iraq is now nothing other than civil war, and even Scary Cheney can speak no ill of him, then this Imperial White House has a worry or two.

Bush reminds me of Captain Bligh and I think he is just about to know what its like when the ship of state goes all mutiny on his ass. Truly, his nearly gasping as he ever so more weakly calls for "staying the course" is nothing but folly.

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