Friday, February 03, 2006

Bayh Challenges Rove and Bush

TPMCafe || Bayh Challenges Rove and Bush

I wanted to stand up and cheer when I heard Bayh's statement, but I simultaneously realized that he wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell should he be the Democratic nominee.

I am a firebreathing liberal yellow dog Democrat, but I am also a realist, something sadly lacking in our dear old party. We need to quit living in a dream world and nominate someone who can WIN the Presidency.

That means, a Southern governor from a heavily populated state which he can carry, who has moderate viewpoints, is strong on defense and heavily offensive on terrorism issues, has a demonstrably strong religious faith of some kind, and who has CHARISMA, for God's sake!

Democrats will not win the White House without carrying some Southern states. It just will not happen demographically or electorally. It won't happen with a midwesterner. Just not enough electoral votes out there.

I know squat about Warner, but if he can bring Virginia, and maybe Maryland and open up Tennessee and maybe even West Virginia (considering the mine disasters), then he's my man and I don't much care what he has to say or do to get elected.

Its time for US to play hardball.

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