Saturday, February 04, 2006

Im ages of Moe ham med....

DON'T see the Da ni sh ca rt oons here.

And DON'T see other ima / ges of Mo /ha /mm /ed dating back for centuries in both Islamic and Western culture in the Image Archive.

I especially like the ones from Dante's Inferno.

If this offends any OTHER THAN MODERATE and NON-EXTREMIST Mu sl ims, good. You offend me. You offend me by the subjugation of women in your religion. You offend me with your intolerance. You offend me with your willingness to be manipulated. You offend me with your extremism or lack of action against extremists.

That is my opinion. This is my free speech.

The penalty for blasphemy was death in Western civilization over 300 years ago. It was liberally exercised, governmentally approved and, um, executed. Think Bloody Mary. Not to mention the Inquisition. And let's never forget the Salem witch trials.

The applicable point being that it was over 300 YEARS AGO! There is only one conclusion to be drawn. The Mus**lim "world", "culture", or, and I truly hesitate to use this word, "civilization" is 300 years behind us.

To allow them to set an agenda or influence society or even be taken seriously apart from the danger that they pose to the rest of us, is simply ludicrous.

We may as well subject ourselves to paying serious attention to the rituals and beliefs of the pygmies of Borneo.

There are only two options. Drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century or completely isolate them so that they can cause no harm to the rest of the world's population.

Unless, of course, anyone would like to reinstate burning blasphemers alive? I will give them this, though. Beheading has gotta be less painful and more... er... humane.

Do we allow naked and bloodthirsty headhunters to roam about at will? Ok, maybe in certain cities, but, I mean, really?

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