Saturday, February 04, 2006

How Progressives Talk about Abortion

The decision whether to give birth or not belongs only to the woman who must bear that burden or that blessing, dependent solely upon her own situation and belief system and completely independent of any other person in this universe... including each and every one of you, dear readers.

The only responsibilities of society are to not interfere with this most personal of decisions and to make all possible resources available for either outcome for the good of any individual involved and the benefit of society at large.

Your opinions are irrelevant. There will be abortions regardless of what anyone thinks, of what anyone legislates, or what any court rules. There always have been abortions, there always will be abortions. The only debate is whether many females will die having abortions.
As for Taylor Marsh's comment, "because in this age of medical advancement there is no excuse whatsoever for an unplanned pregnancy", please excuse me but I can think of at least two immediately and off the top of my head.

1. Rape

2. Incest

Lets live in the real world.

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