AccuTracking - Online GPS Cell Phone Tracking Service
Found these last two when I stumbled over Ben Hyde's site, Ascription is an Anathema to any Enthusiam. Bright fellow, Ben. I couldn't have said it better. Hell, if I had, I woulda have had to look it up... like what I was doing when I found Ben anyways...!!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
What is Your World View?
This is a great quiz. So accurate! :: What is Your World View? (updated)
My results: :: What is Your World View? (updated)
My results:
You scored as Existentialist. Existentialism emphasizes human capability. There is no greater power interfering with life and thus it is up to us to make things happen. Sometimes considered a negative and depressing world view, your optimism towards human accomplishment is immense. Mankind is condemned to be free and must accept the responsibility.
What is Your World View? (updated) created with |
The Holy Empire of Bushmerica
All hail His Imperial Holiness, The Most High and Blessed by Jesus to Rule the World
Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement - The Boston Globe
Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement - The Boston Globe
Monday, March 06, 2006
The Reality-Based Community: Entries from the Republican-English Dictionary
This is fabulous! Some of my favorites:
*compassionate conservatism/ n./* Poignant concern for the very wealthy
*DeLay, Tom/ n./* Past tense of De Lie
*extraordinary rendition/ n./* Outsourcing torture
*in the national interest /adj. phr./*
1. Conducive to the election of Republicans.
2. Beneficial to Republican contributors.
*liberal(s)/ n./* Followers of the Antichrist
*treason/n./* Criticism of George W. Bush
and, of course....
*woman/ n./*
1. Person who can be trusted to raise a child but can't be trusted to decide whether or not she wishes to have a child.
2. Person who must have all decisions regarding her reproductive functions made by men with whom she wouldn't want to have sex in the first place
The Reality-Based Community: Entries from the Republican-English Dictionary
*compassionate conservatism/ n./* Poignant concern for the very wealthy
*DeLay, Tom/ n./* Past tense of De Lie
*extraordinary rendition/ n./* Outsourcing torture
*in the national interest /adj. phr./*
1. Conducive to the election of Republicans.
2. Beneficial to Republican contributors.
*liberal(s)/ n./* Followers of the Antichrist
*treason/n./* Criticism of George W. Bush
and, of course....
*woman/ n./*
1. Person who can be trusted to raise a child but can't be trusted to decide whether or not she wishes to have a child.
2. Person who must have all decisions regarding her reproductive functions made by men with whom she wouldn't want to have sex in the first place
The Reality-Based Community: Entries from the Republican-English Dictionary
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
About 3 hours after I posted my comments below about certain drawn figures by newspaper artists in a different country, my 2 year old $3,000 laptop crashed in quite a dramatic fashion, which is the explanation for the edits below.
I'm not sayin' fer shure, but I can't afford this shit!! Be back up and running soon.
I'm not sayin' fer shure, but I can't afford this shit!! Be back up and running soon.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Didn't See It Coming, Again
Didn't See It Coming, Again
There was no Age of Enlightenment in the middle east. There was no Reformation. Why, oh why, could any sane person expect democracy to be the same there as in the west?
It is equivalent to thinking that the west would easily and happily capitulate to being ruled by a sultan or caliphate.
There was no Age of Enlightenment in the middle east. There was no Reformation. Why, oh why, could any sane person expect democracy to be the same there as in the west?
It is equivalent to thinking that the west would easily and happily capitulate to being ruled by a sultan or caliphate.
How Progressives Talk about Abortion
The decision whether to give birth or not belongs only to the woman who must bear that burden or that blessing, dependent solely upon her own situation and belief system and completely independent of any other person in this universe... including each and every one of you, dear readers.
The only responsibilities of society are to not interfere with this most personal of decisions and to make all possible resources available for either outcome for the good of any individual involved and the benefit of society at large.
Your opinions are irrelevant. There will be abortions regardless of what anyone thinks, of what anyone legislates, or what any court rules. There always have been abortions, there always will be abortions. The only debate is whether many females will die having abortions.
As for Taylor Marsh's comment, "because in this age of medical advancement there is no excuse whatsoever for an unplanned pregnancy", please excuse me but I can think of at least two immediately and off the top of my head.
1. Rape
2. Incest
Lets live in the real world.
The only responsibilities of society are to not interfere with this most personal of decisions and to make all possible resources available for either outcome for the good of any individual involved and the benefit of society at large.
Your opinions are irrelevant. There will be abortions regardless of what anyone thinks, of what anyone legislates, or what any court rules. There always have been abortions, there always will be abortions. The only debate is whether many females will die having abortions.
As for Taylor Marsh's comment, "because in this age of medical advancement there is no excuse whatsoever for an unplanned pregnancy", please excuse me but I can think of at least two immediately and off the top of my head.
1. Rape
2. Incest
Lets live in the real world.
Kunstler has it absolutely right....
The Clusterfuck Nation Manifesto
Strategies for Survival
Notes on the Coming Transformation of American Life
by Jim Kunstler
I get e-mail from people who object to what they construe to be an excessively pessimistic view of our national scene. Well, what if you suggested to the people of Germany in 1936 that Dresden would be turned into an ashtry within a decade and that Berliners would cut down all the trees in the Tiergarten to heat their homes?
What I've been suggesting about the direction of our country is hardly that drastic.
I personally believe that there is much we can do as a nation, and as a collection of communities, to mitigate the problems I have been describing, even to create conditions in which American civilization can advance beyond the hardships of the early 21st century.
The overriding imperative task for us in the face of the problems ahead will be the downscaling of virtually all activities in America. This should not be misunderstood. I do not mean that we ought to become any less of a nation, or less of a democracy, only that the scale at which we conduct the work of American life will have to be adjusted to fit the requirements of a post-globalist, post-cheap-oil age. The future is already telling us very clearly what must be done.
Read the rest
Strategies for Survival
Notes on the Coming Transformation of American Life
by Jim Kunstler
I get e-mail from people who object to what they construe to be an excessively pessimistic view of our national scene. Well, what if you suggested to the people of Germany in 1936 that Dresden would be turned into an ashtry within a decade and that Berliners would cut down all the trees in the Tiergarten to heat their homes?
What I've been suggesting about the direction of our country is hardly that drastic.
I personally believe that there is much we can do as a nation, and as a collection of communities, to mitigate the problems I have been describing, even to create conditions in which American civilization can advance beyond the hardships of the early 21st century.
The overriding imperative task for us in the face of the problems ahead will be the downscaling of virtually all activities in America. This should not be misunderstood. I do not mean that we ought to become any less of a nation, or less of a democracy, only that the scale at which we conduct the work of American life will have to be adjusted to fit the requirements of a post-globalist, post-cheap-oil age. The future is already telling us very clearly what must be done.
Read the rest
Vatican may have found Pope John Paul's "miracle"
I'm not even remotely Catholic, but I hope so.... because this was a man deserved of respect, regardless of the church's stand on contraception. News
Im ages of Moe ham med....
DON'T see the Da ni sh ca rt oons here.
And DON'T see other ima / ges of Mo /ha /mm /ed dating back for centuries in both Islamic and Western culture in the Image Archive.
I especially like the ones from Dante's Inferno.
If this offends any OTHER THAN MODERATE and NON-EXTREMIST Mu sl ims, good. You offend me. You offend me by the subjugation of women in your religion. You offend me with your intolerance. You offend me with your willingness to be manipulated. You offend me with your extremism or lack of action against extremists.
That is my opinion. This is my free speech.
The penalty for blasphemy was death in Western civilization over 300 years ago. It was liberally exercised, governmentally approved and, um, executed. Think Bloody Mary. Not to mention the Inquisition. And let's never forget the Salem witch trials.
The applicable point being that it was over 300 YEARS AGO! There is only one conclusion to be drawn. The Mus**lim "world", "culture", or, and I truly hesitate to use this word, "civilization" is 300 years behind us.
To allow them to set an agenda or influence society or even be taken seriously apart from the danger that they pose to the rest of us, is simply ludicrous.
We may as well subject ourselves to paying serious attention to the rituals and beliefs of the pygmies of Borneo.
There are only two options. Drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century or completely isolate them so that they can cause no harm to the rest of the world's population.
Unless, of course, anyone would like to reinstate burning blasphemers alive? I will give them this, though. Beheading has gotta be less painful and more... er... humane.
Do we allow naked and bloodthirsty headhunters to roam about at will? Ok, maybe in certain cities, but, I mean, really?
And DON'T see other ima / ges of Mo /ha /mm /ed dating back for centuries in both Islamic and Western culture in the Image Archive.
I especially like the ones from Dante's Inferno.
If this offends any OTHER THAN MODERATE and NON-EXTREMIST Mu sl ims, good. You offend me. You offend me by the subjugation of women in your religion. You offend me with your intolerance. You offend me with your willingness to be manipulated. You offend me with your extremism or lack of action against extremists.
That is my opinion. This is my free speech.
The penalty for blasphemy was death in Western civilization over 300 years ago. It was liberally exercised, governmentally approved and, um, executed. Think Bloody Mary. Not to mention the Inquisition. And let's never forget the Salem witch trials.
The applicable point being that it was over 300 YEARS AGO! There is only one conclusion to be drawn. The Mus**lim "world", "culture", or, and I truly hesitate to use this word, "civilization" is 300 years behind us.
To allow them to set an agenda or influence society or even be taken seriously apart from the danger that they pose to the rest of us, is simply ludicrous.
We may as well subject ourselves to paying serious attention to the rituals and beliefs of the pygmies of Borneo.
There are only two options. Drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century or completely isolate them so that they can cause no harm to the rest of the world's population.
Unless, of course, anyone would like to reinstate burning blasphemers alive? I will give them this, though. Beheading has gotta be less painful and more... er... humane.
Do we allow naked and bloodthirsty headhunters to roam about at will? Ok, maybe in certain cities, but, I mean, really?
Friday, February 03, 2006
Bayh Challenges Rove and Bush
TPMCafe || Bayh Challenges Rove and Bush
I wanted to stand up and cheer when I heard Bayh's statement, but I simultaneously realized that he wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell should he be the Democratic nominee.
I am a firebreathing liberal yellow dog Democrat, but I am also a realist, something sadly lacking in our dear old party. We need to quit living in a dream world and nominate someone who can WIN the Presidency.
That means, a Southern governor from a heavily populated state which he can carry, who has moderate viewpoints, is strong on defense and heavily offensive on terrorism issues, has a demonstrably strong religious faith of some kind, and who has CHARISMA, for God's sake!
Democrats will not win the White House without carrying some Southern states. It just will not happen demographically or electorally. It won't happen with a midwesterner. Just not enough electoral votes out there.
I know squat about Warner, but if he can bring Virginia, and maybe Maryland and open up Tennessee and maybe even West Virginia (considering the mine disasters), then he's my man and I don't much care what he has to say or do to get elected.
Its time for US to play hardball.
I wanted to stand up and cheer when I heard Bayh's statement, but I simultaneously realized that he wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell should he be the Democratic nominee.
I am a firebreathing liberal yellow dog Democrat, but I am also a realist, something sadly lacking in our dear old party. We need to quit living in a dream world and nominate someone who can WIN the Presidency.
That means, a Southern governor from a heavily populated state which he can carry, who has moderate viewpoints, is strong on defense and heavily offensive on terrorism issues, has a demonstrably strong religious faith of some kind, and who has CHARISMA, for God's sake!
Democrats will not win the White House without carrying some Southern states. It just will not happen demographically or electorally. It won't happen with a midwesterner. Just not enough electoral votes out there.
I know squat about Warner, but if he can bring Virginia, and maybe Maryland and open up Tennessee and maybe even West Virginia (considering the mine disasters), then he's my man and I don't much care what he has to say or do to get elected.
Its time for US to play hardball.
Snarling dog Democrats....
are what we need. Evan Bayh has made a start. I'm beginning to agree that Hillary is a lost cause. There is no longer a middle ground remaining in the US. This country is polarized and, finally, I think it is polarized in the correct direction. It's past time for the people to grow up and its way past time for the politicians to treat the people like grown-ups.
Published on Friday, January 20, 2006 by the Columbus Free Press (Ohio)
I Will Not Support Hillary Clinton for President
by Molly Ivins
I'd like to make it clear to the people who run the Democratic Party that I will not support Hillary Clinton for president.
Enough. Enough triangulation, calculation and equivocation. Enough clever straddling, enough not offending anyone This is not a Dick Morris election. Sen. Clinton is apparently incapable of taking a clear stand on the war in Iraq, and that alone is enough to disqualify her. Her failure to speak out on Terri Schiavo, not to mention that gross pandering on flag-burning, are just contemptible little dodges.
The recent death of Gene McCarthy reminded me of a lesson I spent a long, long time unlearning, so now I have to re-learn it. It's about political courage and heroes, and when a country is desperate for leadership. There are times when regular politics will not do, and this is one of those times. There are times a country is so tired of bull that only the truth can provide relief. Read the rest
Published on Friday, January 20, 2006 by the Columbus Free Press (Ohio)
I Will Not Support Hillary Clinton for President
by Molly Ivins
I'd like to make it clear to the people who run the Democratic Party that I will not support Hillary Clinton for president.
Enough. Enough triangulation, calculation and equivocation. Enough clever straddling, enough not offending anyone This is not a Dick Morris election. Sen. Clinton is apparently incapable of taking a clear stand on the war in Iraq, and that alone is enough to disqualify her. Her failure to speak out on Terri Schiavo, not to mention that gross pandering on flag-burning, are just contemptible little dodges.
The recent death of Gene McCarthy reminded me of a lesson I spent a long, long time unlearning, so now I have to re-learn it. It's about political courage and heroes, and when a country is desperate for leadership. There are times when regular politics will not do, and this is one of those times. There are times a country is so tired of bull that only the truth can provide relief. Read the rest
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Look closely...
You might see George W. in there somewhere...
The Top Ten Conservative Idiots, No. 230 - Democratic Underground
The Top Ten Conservative Idiots, No. 230 - Democratic Underground
Skipping through reality...
Bush doesn't skip complex realities. He's never been in touch with reality. He is the President of The Naked Lunch. William S. Burroughs was a dull, dutiful, pragmatist in comparison.
Bush Skips Complex Realities in Address - Yahoo! News
Bush Skips Complex Realities in Address - Yahoo! News
ALL Sovereignty...
Democracy Now! | Gore Vidal Delivers State of the Union: "Let the Powers That Be Know There is Something Called We the People of the U.S. and all Sovereignty Rests in Us."
Today, the 31st of January, in the hallowed year, election year, of ’06, could be a memorable day if we all do our part, which is simply to concentrate, among other things, and do perhaps what a couple of groups have decided would be useful for the President, I guess his State of the Union. We might give him some idea of our state, which is one of great dissatisfaction with him and his regime. And there's talk of perhaps demonstrating in front of the Capitol or here or there around the country to show that the union is occupied by people who happen to be patriots. And patriots do not like this government.
This is an unpatriotic government. This is a government that deals openly in illegalities...
Read the rest or listen
Today, the 31st of January, in the hallowed year, election year, of ’06, could be a memorable day if we all do our part, which is simply to concentrate, among other things, and do perhaps what a couple of groups have decided would be useful for the President, I guess his State of the Union. We might give him some idea of our state, which is one of great dissatisfaction with him and his regime. And there's talk of perhaps demonstrating in front of the Capitol or here or there around the country to show that the union is occupied by people who happen to be patriots. And patriots do not like this government.
This is an unpatriotic government. This is a government that deals openly in illegalities...
Read the rest or listen
Yeah, what The Rude Pundit said...
Since I've been trying to put together this blog while feeling "less than zero" myself, I trust His Supreme Rudeness (whom I bow before) will not mind me posting his post...
Eventually, I anticipate regaining my mind and my mental capacity, in addition to my health, and then, buddy, I probably won't shut up.
For now, since I had to turn off all news on all media outlets whatsoever at approximately 7pm, just so I wouldn't begin to vomit uncontrollably at 9pm, and will have to avoid same for about 2 or 3 news cycles for the same reason, this will have to do for my entry for today.
I sure as hell could never have done better.
The Rude Pundit
Everything Means Less Than Zero:(Updated below)In Brett Easton Ellis's 1985 book Less Than Zero, after we've read about the narrator, Clay, snortin' coke 'til his brain bleeds, fuckin' meaninglessly left and right, watchin' his boyhood friend - now a male prostitute - gettin' fucked by a john, and simply allowing the entire world to decay, all of a sudden Clay walks into a bedroom where all the L.A. posers and rich boys have gathered around a nude, drugged-out 12-year old girl tied to a bed, and they're getting ready to run a train on her. Clay confronts Rip, in whose apartment the rape's about to occur. Haltingly, Clay says, "I don't think it's right."
Rip responds, "What's right? If you want something, you have the right to take it. If you want to do something, you have the right to do it."
Clay answers, "But you don't need anything. You have everything.
"To which Rip says, "No, I don't."
Clay asks, "Oh, shit, Rip, what don't you have?"
"I don't have anything to lose," Rip says, before he heads into the bedroom to join in the rape. Clay walks out of the apartment. He doesn't call the cops, he doesn't rescue the girl, he doesn't even try to stop anyone. He just leaves. And in the pathetic realm in which the characters exist, it can be seen as some kind of mighty gesture of strength and character. If one wants to be blindly optimistic, it can be seen as a moment of change for Clay, a moment when he will become a different, better person. But, after Clay leaves, even if he's washed his hands of it, that little girl's stranded in a nightmare.
Today, Senators who voted for cloture are going to vote against the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. And when Lincoln Chafee, Maria Cantwell, Herbert Kohl, Blanche Lincoln, and Jay Rockefeller, as well as all the others run for re-election, they can say, "Look, I said 'No.'" But that "no" matters so little as the very issues they say caused them to vote that way - the power of the presidency, abortion rights, the right to privacy, the favoring of corporations - are turned against them time and again. Yeah, they voted against Alito, but there's a starving, beaten prisoner in Gitmo, a pregnant teenage girl in Nebraska, a coal mining family in West Virginia who are all gonna be the ones fucked because of such cowardly courage. And when they say they voted against Alito, someone's gonna be smart enough to say, "Hey, Maria, if it's such a big fuckin' deal, why didn't you join the filibuster?"
And if someone doesn't wreck Susan Collins, Arlen Specter, or any supposed pro-choice Republican after the first Supreme Court case that limits access to abortion, then DNC consultants need to have their Blackberries shoved up their asses.
So, no, right now the Rude Pundit's not gonna join in the whole "well, at least we tried, and, shit, you knew we were gonna fail, but, hey, maybe this means momentum towards some fuckin' thing down the road" warm and fuzzy fuckin' feelin' that some are wrappin' themselves in, with that wonderful tasty tang of "Told you so" on their tongues. 'Cause, you know, we had just had a bunch of future shit decided for us, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Tonight at the State of the Union, which promises to be one of the more tedious and odious moments in recent history, President Bush will introduce his new justices, and how many in that chamber will stand up and applaud? Hey, maybe if Joe Lieberman remains seated, he can add that to his Democratic cred reel along with his empty vote. Nah. They'd all rather stand than take a stand.
(And if you really want your stomach to do the Charleston, remember the precedent that's been set: should someone put rat poison in Justice Stevens' creme brulee, Alito's views are now the bar at which a nominee can be approved.)
Update: The vote was 58 to 42. Enough to have sustained a filibuster even without Chafee if 16 Senators believed in more than empty gestures. And Olympia Snowe voted for Alito. There is no middle in the Republican Party. There is only Democratic capitulation masking as moderation.
Eventually, I anticipate regaining my mind and my mental capacity, in addition to my health, and then, buddy, I probably won't shut up.
For now, since I had to turn off all news on all media outlets whatsoever at approximately 7pm, just so I wouldn't begin to vomit uncontrollably at 9pm, and will have to avoid same for about 2 or 3 news cycles for the same reason, this will have to do for my entry for today.
I sure as hell could never have done better.
The Rude Pundit
Everything Means Less Than Zero:(Updated below)In Brett Easton Ellis's 1985 book Less Than Zero, after we've read about the narrator, Clay, snortin' coke 'til his brain bleeds, fuckin' meaninglessly left and right, watchin' his boyhood friend - now a male prostitute - gettin' fucked by a john, and simply allowing the entire world to decay, all of a sudden Clay walks into a bedroom where all the L.A. posers and rich boys have gathered around a nude, drugged-out 12-year old girl tied to a bed, and they're getting ready to run a train on her. Clay confronts Rip, in whose apartment the rape's about to occur. Haltingly, Clay says, "I don't think it's right."
Rip responds, "What's right? If you want something, you have the right to take it. If you want to do something, you have the right to do it."
Clay answers, "But you don't need anything. You have everything.
"To which Rip says, "No, I don't."
Clay asks, "Oh, shit, Rip, what don't you have?"
"I don't have anything to lose," Rip says, before he heads into the bedroom to join in the rape. Clay walks out of the apartment. He doesn't call the cops, he doesn't rescue the girl, he doesn't even try to stop anyone. He just leaves. And in the pathetic realm in which the characters exist, it can be seen as some kind of mighty gesture of strength and character. If one wants to be blindly optimistic, it can be seen as a moment of change for Clay, a moment when he will become a different, better person. But, after Clay leaves, even if he's washed his hands of it, that little girl's stranded in a nightmare.
Today, Senators who voted for cloture are going to vote against the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. And when Lincoln Chafee, Maria Cantwell, Herbert Kohl, Blanche Lincoln, and Jay Rockefeller, as well as all the others run for re-election, they can say, "Look, I said 'No.'" But that "no" matters so little as the very issues they say caused them to vote that way - the power of the presidency, abortion rights, the right to privacy, the favoring of corporations - are turned against them time and again. Yeah, they voted against Alito, but there's a starving, beaten prisoner in Gitmo, a pregnant teenage girl in Nebraska, a coal mining family in West Virginia who are all gonna be the ones fucked because of such cowardly courage. And when they say they voted against Alito, someone's gonna be smart enough to say, "Hey, Maria, if it's such a big fuckin' deal, why didn't you join the filibuster?"
And if someone doesn't wreck Susan Collins, Arlen Specter, or any supposed pro-choice Republican after the first Supreme Court case that limits access to abortion, then DNC consultants need to have their Blackberries shoved up their asses.
So, no, right now the Rude Pundit's not gonna join in the whole "well, at least we tried, and, shit, you knew we were gonna fail, but, hey, maybe this means momentum towards some fuckin' thing down the road" warm and fuzzy fuckin' feelin' that some are wrappin' themselves in, with that wonderful tasty tang of "Told you so" on their tongues. 'Cause, you know, we had just had a bunch of future shit decided for us, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Tonight at the State of the Union, which promises to be one of the more tedious and odious moments in recent history, President Bush will introduce his new justices, and how many in that chamber will stand up and applaud? Hey, maybe if Joe Lieberman remains seated, he can add that to his Democratic cred reel along with his empty vote. Nah. They'd all rather stand than take a stand.
(And if you really want your stomach to do the Charleston, remember the precedent that's been set: should someone put rat poison in Justice Stevens' creme brulee, Alito's views are now the bar at which a nominee can be approved.)
Update: The vote was 58 to 42. Enough to have sustained a filibuster even without Chafee if 16 Senators believed in more than empty gestures. And Olympia Snowe voted for Alito. There is no middle in the Republican Party. There is only Democratic capitulation masking as moderation.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Bombing Google to promote the facts
The fascists who insists upon sticking their noses up every woman's uterus have managed to get their screed up to the top of Google Search, so we are fighting back.
For more info, go here.
For more info, go here.
Anti-abortion ideologues beware: I'm promoting objective, factual information on:
You can too. Join me in Bombing for Choice.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Fafnir, oh Fafnir, you are a Semi Demi God!
Fafblog! the whole worlds only source for Fafblog.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Q & A: Our Omnipotent President
Q. Can the president spy on Americans without a warrant?
A. The president has to spy on Americans without a warrant! We're at war, and the president's gotta defend America, and he's not gonna wait for a permission slip from a judge or a senator or America to do it!
Q. That's just the kinda tough, no-nonsense thinking I like in a de facto dictator! Now some crazy people say the president broke some silly old laws like FISA and the National Security Act and the Fourth Amendment. Are these crazy people crazy?
A. They sure are! Maybe those laws worked back in 1978 back when Leonid Brezhnev was snortin coke with Ayatollah Khomeini and groovin to the hits of the Bee Gees, but in today's dark and dangerous times they just aren't enough.
Q. Things sure have changed since the innocent days of mutually assured destruction! But is it legal for the president to ignore the law?
A. Maybe not according to plain ol stupid ol regular law, but we're at war! You don't go to war with regular laws, which are made outta red tape and bureaucracy and Neville Chamberlain. You go to war with great big strapping War Laws made outta tanks and cold hard steel and the American Fightin Man and WAR, KABOOOOOOM!
Q. How does a War Bill become a War Law?
A. It all begins with the president, who submits a bill to the president. If a majority of both the president and the president approve the bill, then it passes on to the president, who may veto it or sign it into law. And even then the president can override himself with a two-thirds vote.
There's much more and it just gets more and more delicious....
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Q & A: Our Omnipotent President
Q. Can the president spy on Americans without a warrant?
A. The president has to spy on Americans without a warrant! We're at war, and the president's gotta defend America, and he's not gonna wait for a permission slip from a judge or a senator or America to do it!
Q. That's just the kinda tough, no-nonsense thinking I like in a de facto dictator! Now some crazy people say the president broke some silly old laws like FISA and the National Security Act and the Fourth Amendment. Are these crazy people crazy?
A. They sure are! Maybe those laws worked back in 1978 back when Leonid Brezhnev was snortin coke with Ayatollah Khomeini and groovin to the hits of the Bee Gees, but in today's dark and dangerous times they just aren't enough.
Q. Things sure have changed since the innocent days of mutually assured destruction! But is it legal for the president to ignore the law?
A. Maybe not according to plain ol stupid ol regular law, but we're at war! You don't go to war with regular laws, which are made outta red tape and bureaucracy and Neville Chamberlain. You go to war with great big strapping War Laws made outta tanks and cold hard steel and the American Fightin Man and WAR, KABOOOOOOM!
Q. How does a War Bill become a War Law?
A. It all begins with the president, who submits a bill to the president. If a majority of both the president and the president approve the bill, then it passes on to the president, who may veto it or sign it into law. And even then the president can override himself with a two-thirds vote.
There's much more and it just gets more and more delicious....
Twist and shout....
You know, maybe I am just a lot more like a man (on the inside... only!) than even I ever thought, but I am glorying in the schadenfreude of watching W (for Weasel) twist in the wind.
And make no mistake about it. He is twisting like Chubby Checker at a beach party with Annette Funicello. (Yes, I'm so old I remember those movies.)
What else could explain his unexpected and practically unheard of press conference? Oh, how I so wished that camera had swung into his smug nose.
Yes, they are twisting because they can no longer spin. Just about the time they get themselves twisted halfway around a spin, they get slapped back the other way. Oh happy happy joy joy!
When a man of the caliber of John Murtha speaks the plain truth that what is happening in Iraq is now nothing other than civil war, and even Scary Cheney can speak no ill of him, then this Imperial White House has a worry or two.
Bush reminds me of Captain Bligh and I think he is just about to know what its like when the ship of state goes all mutiny on his ass. Truly, his nearly gasping as he ever so more weakly calls for "staying the course" is nothing but folly.
And make no mistake about it. He is twisting like Chubby Checker at a beach party with Annette Funicello. (Yes, I'm so old I remember those movies.)
What else could explain his unexpected and practically unheard of press conference? Oh, how I so wished that camera had swung into his smug nose.
Yes, they are twisting because they can no longer spin. Just about the time they get themselves twisted halfway around a spin, they get slapped back the other way. Oh happy happy joy joy!
When a man of the caliber of John Murtha speaks the plain truth that what is happening in Iraq is now nothing other than civil war, and even Scary Cheney can speak no ill of him, then this Imperial White House has a worry or two.
Bush reminds me of Captain Bligh and I think he is just about to know what its like when the ship of state goes all mutiny on his ass. Truly, his nearly gasping as he ever so more weakly calls for "staying the course" is nothing but folly.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Piss off big oil and logging - Support Industrial hemp
Hemp is not marijuana. It contains only the most minute trace amounts of THC, most all of which is removed in processing. Hemp was grown and produced as a product important to our national security as early as colonial America and as late as WWII.
Hemp may be used to produce hundreds of products from omega-3 oil supplements to hair care products to clothing to rope and twine. The list is massive.
However, most importantly to the present, Hemp can replace products which currently ravage our land, our air and our bank accounts. Synthetic products currently manufactured using petroleum such as plastics can be replaced by this cheap, natural material which is grown with no pesticides to further harm the environment. Paper, particle board, and many other related items for which the logging industry strip our earth can be replaced by hemp. Furthermore, growing hemp actually cleans the air by consuming carbon in the air which is caused by the use of fossil fuels and exaberated by the removal of the earths forests for unnecessary human consumption on a scale never known before in history.
The US DEA is used as nothing more than an enforcement arm of these anti-humanity industries. The so-called "War on Drugs" spends countless manhours keeping a legitimate product which would benefit our society, our farmers, our communities, our workforce and our earth, illegal instead of spending their efforts on the massive amounts of heroin being imported by the poppy growers in Afganistan now that they are now free to do so. Free to do so via the expenditure of our young men's lives and our tax money.
Speak up, speak out, speak to your elected representatives... Look into it.
Hemp may be used to produce hundreds of products from omega-3 oil supplements to hair care products to clothing to rope and twine. The list is massive.
However, most importantly to the present, Hemp can replace products which currently ravage our land, our air and our bank accounts. Synthetic products currently manufactured using petroleum such as plastics can be replaced by this cheap, natural material which is grown with no pesticides to further harm the environment. Paper, particle board, and many other related items for which the logging industry strip our earth can be replaced by hemp. Furthermore, growing hemp actually cleans the air by consuming carbon in the air which is caused by the use of fossil fuels and exaberated by the removal of the earths forests for unnecessary human consumption on a scale never known before in history.
The US DEA is used as nothing more than an enforcement arm of these anti-humanity industries. The so-called "War on Drugs" spends countless manhours keeping a legitimate product which would benefit our society, our farmers, our communities, our workforce and our earth, illegal instead of spending their efforts on the massive amounts of heroin being imported by the poppy growers in Afganistan now that they are now free to do so. Free to do so via the expenditure of our young men's lives and our tax money.
Speak up, speak out, speak to your elected representatives... Look into it.
Kicking up my toes
and kicking the world in the ass. Stick around and see what I can kick up and feel free to give me a kick if I don't keep up with my posts...
First, I'd like to share a favorite poem by William Blake.
The Garden of Love
I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen:
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.
And the gates of the Chapel were shut,
And Thou shalt not writ over the door;
So I turn'd to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore,
And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tomb-stones where flowers should be:
And Priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys & desires.
--William Blake
First, I'd like to share a favorite poem by William Blake.
The Garden of Love
I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen:
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.
And the gates of the Chapel were shut,
And Thou shalt not writ over the door;
So I turn'd to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore,
And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tomb-stones where flowers should be:
And Priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys & desires.
--William Blake
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